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How to insulate your loft conversion?

Are you considering converting your loft? A loft conversion is an excellent method to make efficient use of space, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of a larger house without the inconvenience or price of relocating. Nuances such as insulating a loft conversion are often overlooked in the enthusiasm, but they're critical to avoid losing money due to energy loss. We've gone through the different types of loft insulation and their benefits and drawbacks; read on to learn more!

Are you looking for a loft conversion in Maidenhead, Windsor, Ascot, or Lincolnshire? Call us at 07834 617 743 or 07368 483779 to speak with one of our team.

Loft Conversions in Maidenhead, Windsor &  Ascot

Why Should You Insulate a Loft Conversion?

Understanding why it's necessary is crucial before beginning the process of insulating your loft conversion. Without insulation, heat will escape from your loft conversion, putting extra strain on your central heating system and increasing energy consumption and costs. Without adequate insulation, your loft conversion will also be hotter than the rest of your house throughout the summer, making it uncomfortable to be inside. Insulating your loft conversion will increase the comfort of your living area while also lowering your energy costs.

Insulation Types

Selecting the appropriate insulation material is the first step in insulating your loft conversion. Insulation comes in two primary varieties: rigid board and blanket. In your loft, mineral wool or fibreglass blanket insulation—also referred to as batts or rolls—is put between the joists. On the contrary, rigid board insulation is laid on the roof's underside and is constructed of foam. Rigid board insulation has the advantage of not compressing with time, preserving its efficiency for the lifetime of your loft conversion. Both types of insulation are effective.

Getting Ready for Insulation with Your Loft Conversion

To achieve the greatest results, it is crucial to prepare your loft conversion before installing insulation. Start by cleaning up any dust or trash that may be in your loft. As a result, the insulation will be put on a smooth and clean surface, ensuring optimum coverage. In order to stop draughts and air leaks, be careful to plug any openings or cracks in the roof or walls.

Insulation Installation

Installing the insulation follows preparation of your loft conversion. If you're using blanket insulation, spread it out evenly between the joists without packing it down. Measure and trim the rigid board insulation to fit between the rafters if you're using it. Attach the boards with glue and screws, making sure they are flush with the roof and snugly fitted.

Making Final Touches

It's time to give your loft conversion the finishing touches after the insulation has been put. Plasterboard should be installed on the walls and ceiling, and fastening should be secure. For a polished appearance, also add skirting boards and architraves. These finishing touches not only make the space more visually appealing, but they also improve the loft conversion's overall insulation.

Adding Insulation to the Roof

Rigid foam insulation, such as Kingspan, is used to insulate the sloping area of the underside of your roof. The sheets are cut to size and secured between the rafters. 

This should be present in almost all loft conversions. The only conversions that do not include this form of insulation are those that are solely for storage. Even in this instance, insulating the roof's underside is usually a good idea. 

If you own an older home with a loft that has already been boarded out, you might find that the roof has already been insulated. Because of good quality, modern insulation outperforms many older generations of insulation, it may be worthwhile to replace it even if you currently have some.

You may wish to insulate the roof using a product that also has sound deadening capabilities for loft conversions if the sound is an issue. Sound insulation blocks sound from entering or leaving a room, which can be useful for: 

  • Loud music is being played. 
  • Making music recordings 
  • Creating videos 
  • Organising meetings 

Because a roof's construction is rather thin compared to most house walls, you're likely to hear loud traffic and other noises unless you insulate against them. 

Insulating the underside of the roof could assist maintain good relations with your neighbours if you plan on playing loud music, DJing, or rehearsing the drums late at night!

Insulating the Floor

If you have a new loft that has never been boarded, there's a strong possibility you'll already have insulation above the ceiling of your property's upper floor. 

This insulation is often supplied in soft, thick rolls that are installed between the ceiling joists, directly on the plasterboard or lathe and plaster. Because they are more efficient the thicker they are, these rolls are often deeper than the joists they sit beside. 

If your home already has this type of insulation, it's not a good idea to remove it or squish it down so you may nail boards to the joists directly. Squashing this insulation diminishes its effectiveness, and completely eliminating it would make your house's current top floor feel considerably colder.

Use'stools,' which can be connected directly to the tops of the joists and sit proud of the insulation, allowing the loft to be boarded out without compromising the warmth of the floor below. 

If you require peace and quiet in your new room or plan to make a lot of noise in it, you might want to look into sound insulation between your loft conversion and the rest of your property.

For a professional loft conversion in Maidenhead, Windsor, Ascot, or Lincolnshire, get in touch.

Give Substructure Development Ltd a call if You Need a Loft Conversion A loft conversion's insulation is an essential component of making a cosy and energy-efficient living area. Call Substructure Development Ltd if you need assistance insulating your loft conversion in Windsor, Maidenhead, Ascot, or Lincolnshire. Your loft conversion will be carefully insulated by our team of experts, resulting in a room that is cosy and economical with energy.

In Maidenhead, Windsor, Ascot, or Lincolnshire, contact us for a professional loft conversion. Substructure Development Ltd can be reached at 07834 617 743 or 07368 483779 for a free quote and experienced loft conversion services. You can also send us an email at substructure1@sky.com or use our contact form.